I am completing my PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering at UW–Madison in the Computational Optics Lab , where I am fortunate to be advised by Andreas Velten . Our research focuses on developing next-generation imaging systems by integrating novel sensor technologies (SPAD, CMOS, PMT) with advanced signal processing and deep learning reconstruction algorithms for a wide range of applications including 3D imaging, non-line-of-sight imaging, and microscopy.
With a strong background in optics, sensor technologies, and imaging pipelines, I specialize in building optical hardware setups, integrating SPAD, CMOS, and PMT sensors, and developing computational methods for imaging and sensing. I am passionate about advancing high-performance sensing solutions and am seeking opportunities in optics and sensor development to drive innovations in imaging, vision systems, or next-generation display technologies.
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Talha Sultan, Alex Bocchieri, Chaoying Gu, Xioachun Liu, Pavel Polynkin, Andreas Velten
Under review.
We demonstrate that the measurement space for non-line-of-sight imaging can be compressed, enabling the development of novel computational methods for 3D diffraction propagation. These methods allow for flexible measurement schemes and significantly enhance reconstruction speed while maintaining reconstruction quality comparable to state-of-the-art methods.
Talha Sultan, Alex Bocchieri, Chaoying Gu, Xioachun Liu, Pavel Polynkin, Andreas Velten
Under review.
We demonstrate that the measurement space for non-line-of-sight imaging can be compressed, enabling the development of novel computational methods for 3D diffraction propagation. These methods allow for flexible measurement schemes and significantly enhance reconstruction speed while maintaining reconstruction quality comparable to state-of-the-art methods.
Talha Sultan, Eric Brandt, Khadijeh Masumnia-Bisheh, Simone Riccardo, Pavel Polynkin, Alberto Tosi, Andreas Velten
Under review.
We employ a multipixel SPAD array to capture additional dimensions of the available measurement space in Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging. This extra information is processed with novel computational methods to extract the transient light transport from surfaces hidden "around the corner"
Talha Sultan, Eric Brandt, Khadijeh Masumnia-Bisheh, Simone Riccardo, Pavel Polynkin, Alberto Tosi, Andreas Velten
Under review.
We employ a multipixel SPAD array to capture additional dimensions of the available measurement space in Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging. This extra information is processed with novel computational methods to extract the transient light transport from surfaces hidden "around the corner"
Diego Royo, Talha Sultan, Adolfo Muñoz, Khadijeh Masumnia-Bisheh, Eric Brandt, Diego Gutierrez, Andreas Velten, Julio Marco
We show that planar diffuse surfaces can act as virtual mirrors in non-line-of-sight (NLOS) imaging when using structured light modulation at centimeter-scale wavelengths. Leveraging this effect, we extend NLOS imaging beyond the third bounce, enabling the reconstruction of mirror reflections of objects hidden around two corners.
Diego Royo, Talha Sultan, Adolfo Muñoz, Khadijeh Masumnia-Bisheh, Eric Brandt, Diego Gutierrez, Andreas Velten, Julio Marco
We show that planar diffuse surfaces can act as virtual mirrors in non-line-of-sight (NLOS) imaging when using structured light modulation at centimeter-scale wavelengths. Leveraging this effect, we extend NLOS imaging beyond the third bounce, enabling the reconstruction of mirror reflections of objects hidden around two corners.